Thursday, 31 January 2013

Week 4 - Jay Avena

What is your name?
Norman Jay Avena. You can call me Jay.

What sort of photography do you do?
Like most of you, I have dabbled in several fields of photography but my main interests lie in documentary, travel, and live music photography. I recently quit my software engineering job to pursue photojournalism and I hope I can turn a dream into reality before the year is through.

How long have you been shooting?
I have been a serious hobbyist since 2008 and, as stated above, am looking to be a full-time professional this year.

What's your favorite piece of gear? (for example, Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, any thing you really love to work with)
Luckily, I have gotten over the phase of lusting after the latest and the greatest gear and just look to squeeze every bit of image quality out of my current gear. My favorite item would probably be my ultra wide angle (UWA) lens. I guess you can say I'm a wide angle junkie and like to get real close to my subjects. Apart from that, I would choose my 9-stop ND filter if ever I had to choose only one.

Where can we find you? Twitter account/s, blogs, galleries, any and all web presence that you feel comfortable sharing.
I tweet as @blitzkid_A and have a portfolio/blog, exiftentialist
(Editor's note: That is possibly the best title for a photographer's site that I've ever seen!)

Where do you live and work? You can be as specific as providing your lat-long coordinates, or as vague as "planet earth".
I am in one of the Philippines' 7,107 islands and hop across islands every now and then.

Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?
Absolutely. He's @jmaentz and he takes the most amazing photos of Filipino indigenous people.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Week 2 - Casey Wertz

What is your name?
Casey Wertz

What sort of photography do you do?
Most of my photography is pretty general in nature. I don't have any set style. If it looks interesting I'll take a photo. In the past with my Nikon equipment, I have managed to accumulate thousands of photos. I still have many that still need some post processing work. Sometimes I'm in the mood for heavy photo manipulation, sometimes I like black and white, or sunsets, or people or sports. A lot of my photos are based on mood. I would love to be able to just travel and take photos of interesting people, places and things.

On my list of things to do:
--concert photography. I think that would be very challenging and interesting at the same time.
--photography with ND filters. I think I could get some great shots of water, beaches, waves, landscapes, waterfalls.

How long have you been shooting?
Since 2005

What's your favorite piece of gear? Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, any thing you really love to work with .
Wow, that is a hard question to answer. I think everything has its pros and cons and it pretty much depends on what I'm looking for at the time. 
If I want to shoot in low light, I'll use my D-700 or D3S. Both are great. If I don't feel like carrying around any equipment, I'll use my iPhone 4S. 
Recently I have acquired a Leica MP-9 and I have been enjoying that a lot. It helps me slow down with shots, and I don't end up with thousands of photos to sort though like I would have with my Nikons.
Tripods…. when I'm looking to shoot HDR, I will use my Manfrotto.  I don't usually have a lot of time to travel much, so any HDR or landscape shots are pretty minimal. When I do get time to travel, I'm sure
It will get more use. My camera bags are all Lowepro. They work good enough for my use. I would have to say that right now, the camera that is by my side all the time is my Leica. Takes wonderful shots and I love the challenge of shooting all manual. It just seems more back to the basics instead of all the auto this and auto that. Plus the weight…. so much lighter than my Nikons.

Where can we find you? Twitter account/s, blogs, galleries, any and all web presence.
Twitter: @kcwertz
Instagram: kc_wertz

--- I did win a photo of the month that I'm pretty proud of…

Where do you live and work? You can be as specific as providing your lat-long coordinates, or as vague as "planet earth".
I live in Northwest Ohio. I am a Certified Garbologist (fancy term for garbage man). LOL.

Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?
Kevin Russ   - @kevintruss  -  amazing work!!. He is living MY dream of travel and photography.

Monday, 14 January 2013


Guidlines for guest tweeters on @WeRPhotography.

1. Don't be a dick. This is the Golden Rule of the internet as formulated by Will Wheaton (Wheaton's Law). All other guidlines here are subservient to this one.

1a. Do not engage in bullying behaviour. Do not feed the Trolls. Do not disparage or discriminate against anyone for their skin colour, nationality, religion, gender, sexuality, age, ability, health status, etc. Be awesome to one another.

2. Follow everyone who a) follows @WeRPhotography, and b) is in compliance with #1 above. In abeyance. Follow accounts that you feel will be interesting to you or to other guest tweeters.

3. Do not click on any links in any DMs. In fact, probably best just to ignore DMs completely and leave them to Admins to deal with.

4. At your discretion, block anyone who is not in compliance with #1 above. If you wish, you may consult with the admins by tweeting or DMing @JustJimWillDo (from your personal Twitter account would probably be best) or by email to

5. Tweet! Tweet lots or a little, but not too little. Tweet about photography, that is, after all, the whole point of the account. Tweet links to your images. If you tweet links to other people's images for demonstration purposes, be sure to credit the photographer. Tweet about your philosophy on photography, your style, your concepts, your methods. Tweet about gear or software, but if you are being paid in cash or in kind to review gear or software, please make that clear. Tweet BTS (behind the scenes) shots or videos. Tweet before and after post-processing shots. Tweet, tweet, tweet!

5a. I should hope it would go without saying, but any images of children being exploited for purposes of sexual gratification will get you removed from this account, reported to Twitter, reported to your local police, and, if I have anything at all to do with it, a punch in the nose.
Having said that, I won't object to images of a sensual, even erotic‡ nature. Please use the hashtag #NSFW (Not Safe For Work) if it is appropriate to do so.
(My personal abhorrence of cheap "filters" or gaudy HDR is not relevant here.)

‡But not pornographic or exploitative. No "sneak" shots, no explicit close-ups, no, er, upstanding members.

6. Interact with other tweeple who respond to your tweets and are in compliance with #1 above.

7. Retweet! RT interesting responses to your tweets. RT on occasions from your own Twitter account.

8. Ask for followers and for retweets. Yeah, not too much though, that can get annoying. Ask for new followers from your own Twitter account. Use @WeRPhotography to ask for new followers on your own Twitter account (you might as well get something out of this!) Again, not too much though.

9. Since this is intended to be a global account, changeovers will be done at midnight UTC. There will be a ten minute handover/admin period from 2355 to 0005 UTC. Please do not tweet or, more importantly, schedule tweets during that period. If you need help figuring out timezones, ask an admin.

10. Feel free to change the account's avatar and header images to match your photographic style.

11. Everybody should tweet @TheRealNimoy at least once in their week asking him to be a guest for a week. The person who achieves this will win One Million Internet Points!  Sadly Mr Nimoy was beamed up on Feb 27 2015.

12. I don't think that there is a 12, but that may be subject to change. In fact, this point was orignally numbered #6

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Week 1 - Daniela Bowker

What is your name?
Daniela Bowker

What sort of photography do you do?
Actually, I write about photography for a living, rather than take photographs for a living. I cover news at Pixiq, I help to teach at the Photocritic Photography School, and I have one book published already and another due out in the spring. As a consequence, the majority of my photography is based around street photography and travel.  But I take pictures of anything that I might need to illustrate a tutorial or to demonstrate a concept in a book or article.

How long have you been shooting?
Since I was about five, with a hiatus from my late teens to my mid-twenties. I'm now 33.

What's your favorite piece of gear? Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, any thing you really love to work with .
My 50mm prime lens!

Where can we find you? Twitter account/s, blogs, galleries, any and all web presence.
You'll find me tweeting from @smallaperture; you'll find my writing on; my Flickr gallery is under Daniela Bowker... ehm... I think that's it.

Where do you live and work? You can be as specific as providing your lat-long coordinates, or as vague as "planet earth".
Nominally, I'm based in London. However, I spent six months of last year travelling and it's looking likely that a fair chunk of this year might be spent on the road, too.

Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?
I'd probably suggest @aphotoeditor. I love his mixture of commentary on photography and gorgeous images.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Call for volunteers

Updated: 21 March 2013 25 November 13

What we need now is something for our followers to see. Pictures for the followers to discuss, critique, admire (or possibly not!); in short, your photographs. No, not you there, you're a twitterbot that just snuck in.

You out in the great outdoors making beautiful landscape vistas. You with that home-made table-top macro setup. You shooting supermodels at a fashion show. You shooting your nieces and nephews at home. You reviewing $50 speedlights and you who has just been sent the latest medium format digital back to test. You in your boudoir studio and you who shoots widgets for wholesaler's catalogues.

You! We need you.

So form an orderly queue, no pushing and shoving. Click on this link and send me an email telling me a little bit about yourself and your photography. Do it; do it now!

I want to get to 100 followers, which isn't far away now, and have a queue of at least 4 volunteers before we go live. So get clicking! (edit: We are in our fifth week now and followers are up to ~250)  (Week 11 - 540) (Week 46 - 964)

Breaking news: (not really, I just got around to updating here) The wonderful Haje Jan Kamps (@Photocritic), who was a recent guest tweeter and is the inventor of the Triggertrap (@Triggertrap) series of devices, dongles and apps, has most kindly offered to donate a Triggertrap mobile dongle to each of the first 52 guest tweeters. We are nearly at the end so best you get your name in quickly!

Sunday, 6 January 2013


Welcome to the blog site of the curated photography Twitter account, @WeRPhotography.

Updated 21 March: Check out the marvelous gift you can receive just for guest tweeting!

What is a "Curated Twitter account"?

It is a Twitter account (no, really!) that allows different people to tweet from the same account on a weekly basis. It all started with @Sweden just over a year ago and has spread rapidly from there.

The early accounts were location based, like @Sweden@PeopleofLeeds@WeAreAustralia, etc. Then came accounts rotated amongst the staff of businesses like @FTinsider (already extinct, it seems) and @Mint_In.

The third wave, which began with @iamclimate, was issue-based accounts. These now include @TWkLGBTQ and @IndigenousX.

I think that what we are starting here is the fourth wave: subject based accounts. I can see this catching on for hobbies and professions alike. From Abseiling to Zoology! (edit: I found @SpeciesofUK which, since December 2012, has been tweeting about a different UK plant or animal. I suspect it's all done by the same person though!)

A much more in depth history of curated Twitter accounts can be found here on Sarah Stokely's Communications + Community site.

Why should you follow @WeRPhotography?

If you're on Twitter and you love photograhpy, you probably already follow a whole bunch of photographers. I know I do. My list, PhotoDudes has 439 members and there are probably more that I've followed on my iPad where you don't get a chance to put them in lists. (Update: That list is now maxed out at 500 photogrphers!)

But you know, there are probably more photographers out there that you just haven't found yet.

This could be just your chance to find someone to follow whose work you admire. Or you might find just the person who specialises in your own particular area of interest. Perhaps you'll find someone who tweets helpful hints about something you're interested in.

Nevertheless, I'm hoping you'll see some pretty good photographs along the way.

Why should you tweet for @WeRPhotography?

Because you love making photographs that you want to share with other people.

You probably already do this on your own blog or website, on Twitter, Flickr, 500px, Instagram, etc, &etc.

Even just one more pair of eyes would be good though, right? This could be just the way to introduce even more people to your art.

(edit: As of today, 1 Feb 2013, we have just passed 200 followers who could be looking at your photograpy!) (And at 21 Mar 2013, 540 followers! Yay team.)

As well as tweeting links to your photographs and responding to other Twitter users, you are more than welcome to use the account to show off your website, your blog or other photo sharing sites that you use.

Breaking news: (not really, I just got around to updating here) The wonderful Haje Jan Kamps (@Photocritic), who was a recent guest tweeter and is the inventor of the Triggertrap (@Triggertrap) series of devices, dongles and apps, has most kindly offered to donate a Triggertrap mobile dongle to each of the first 52 guest tweeters. We are nearly a quarter of the way through that number so best you get your name in quickly!

What are the rules for tweeting from @WeRPhotography?

Not a lot. You tweet your photography. For a week. As many times a day as you feel the need to.

Tweet finished images, before and after post-production shots, BTS shots or videos, lighting diagrams, hair or make up shots, gear recommendations or reviews†, whatever works for you.

†If you are being paid, in cash or in kind, for recommendations or reviews, I'd ask that you reveal that, either in your tweets or somewhere in the post to which you link.

Are there any restrictions on the images you can post?

Yes, but not many.

I should hope it would go without saying, but any images of children being exploited for purposes of sexual gratification will get you removed from this account, reported to Twitter, reported to your local police, and, if I have anything at all to do with it, a punch in the nose.

Having said that, I won't object to images of a sensual, even erotic‡ nature. Please use the hashtag #NSFW (Not Safe For Work) if it is appropriate to do so.

(My personal abhorrence of cheap "filters" or gaudy HDR is not relevant here.)

‡But not pornographic or exploitative. No "sneak" shots, no explicit close-ups, no, er, upstanding members.

How can I be a Tweeter for @WeRPhotography?

Simple! You just send an email and let me know your twitter-name. A link to your website, Flickr, 500px or Instagram (etc) account would be useful. As would a brief statement of what you think you can bring to the @WeRPhotography vision. Go for it!

Is there anything else that I need to know?

Probably, but I can't think of it right now.

Oh, wait. It shouldn't need to be said, but of course you retain all copyright to your images.

Please make sure that you do have the right to post those images though. This is not supposed to be a "Hey, look what I found!" account. Do that using your own Twitter account.

If you try to sell images during your term as @WeRPhotography, and I have absolutely no objection to that, it's up to you to ensure that you have the appropriate model- or property-releases.

Finally, something that I don't know of being done on any other curated account, at the end of your week, you can send me 3-5 of your favourite images you tweeted and some text to accompany them and I'll make a blog post for each of the guest tweeters right here. (Edit: It's not often I'm right, and this time I'm wrong again. @createandrotate kind of does this with a questionnaire for each guest. I like this idea and may borrow it.)

Good Light!

Jim Campbell