Guidlines for guest tweeters on @WeRPhotography.
1. Don't be a dick. This is the Golden Rule of the internet as formulated by Will Wheaton (Wheaton's Law). All other guidlines here are subservient to this one.
1a. Do not engage in bullying behaviour. Do not feed the Trolls. Do not disparage or discriminate against anyone for their skin colour, nationality, religion, gender, sexuality, age, ability, health status, etc. Be awesome to one another.
3. Do not click on any links in any DMs. In fact, probably best just to ignore DMs completely and leave them to Admins to deal with.
4. At your discretion, block anyone who is not in compliance with #1 above. If you wish, you may consult with the admins by tweeting or DMing @JustJimWillDo (from your personal Twitter account would probably be best) or by email to
5. Tweet! Tweet lots or a little, but not too little. Tweet about photography, that is, after all, the whole point of the account. Tweet links to your images. If you tweet links to other people's images for demonstration purposes, be sure to credit the photographer. Tweet about your philosophy on photography, your style, your concepts, your methods. Tweet about gear or software, but if you are being paid in cash or in kind to review gear or software, please make that clear. Tweet BTS (behind the scenes) shots or videos. Tweet before and after post-processing shots. Tweet, tweet, tweet!
5a. I should hope it would go without saying, but any images of children being exploited for purposes of sexual gratification will get you removed from this account, reported to Twitter, reported to your local police, and, if I have anything at all to do with it, a punch in the nose.
Having said that, I won't object to images of a sensual, even erotic‡ nature. Please use the hashtag #NSFW (Not Safe For Work) if it is appropriate to do so.
(My personal abhorrence of cheap "filters" or gaudy HDR is not relevant here.)
‡But not pornographic or exploitative. No "sneak" shots, no explicit close-ups, no, er, upstanding members.
6. Interact with other tweeple who respond to your tweets and are in compliance with #1 above.
7. Retweet! RT interesting responses to your tweets. RT on occasions from your own Twitter account.
8. Ask for followers and for retweets. Yeah, not too much though, that can get annoying. Ask for new followers from your own Twitter account. Use @WeRPhotography to ask for new followers on your own Twitter account (you might as well get something out of this!) Again, not too much though.
9. Since this is intended to be a global account, changeovers will be done at midnight UTC. There will be a ten minute handover/admin period from 2355 to 0005 UTC. Please do not tweet or, more importantly, schedule tweets during that period. If you need help figuring out timezones, ask an admin.
10. Feel free to change the account's avatar and header images to match your photographic style.
12. I don't think that there is a 12, but that may be subject to change. In fact, this point was orignally numbered #6
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