Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Week 12 - James

What is your name?
James Rosenberg.

What sort of photography do you do?
Anything! Mainly sport and wildlife, but just want to keep experimenting and learning.

How long have you been shooting?
Semi-seriously for about 4 years.

What's your favorite piece of gear? (for example, Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, any thing you really love to work with)
My 70-200 f/2.8 Canon lens - so sharp. (Love my Billingham bag too).

Where can we find you? Twitter account/s, blogs, galleries, any and all web presence that you feel comfortable sharing.
Twitter @bjorosenberg
website - I have another website for kids sport, but password protected  (sorry).

Where do you live and work? You can be as specific as providing your lat-long coordinates, or as vague as "planet earth".
Eastern suburbs of Sydney, Australia, which is a beautiful coastal part of the world's most beautiful city (OK, I'm biased). Although my twitter profile pic is the north end of a south bound zebra, my face is not uncommon on finance shows or news on Australian television (day job)

Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?
I really love the diversity of what you are doing. For one person - maybe @wadelaube (who I have not told about this yet) - Wade is a former photographic editor of the Sydney Morning Herald, now has his own freelance photography business.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Week 11 - Anton

What is your name?
Anton Westermark

What sort of photography do you do?
Anything and everything. Since I'm an amateur I don't really have a niche but rather shoot what I see.

How long have you been shooting?
I bought my first DSLR in... late 2010. Had a variety of compact cameras since I was 15 or so.

What's your favorite piece of gear? (for example, Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, any thing you really love to work with)
I am quite fond of my 50/1,4 but since I bought a weather resistant DSLR I'm using my kit 18-55 more often than before when I'm out and about.

Where can we find you? Twitter account/s, blogs, galleries, any and all web presence that you feel comfortable sharing.
Twitter: @nihilille (tweeting in Swedish but if I get any foreign followers I'll tweet my photography-related stuff in English),

Portfolio at Don't really have a "photograph" presence elsewhere at the moment.

Where do you live and work? You can be as specific as providing your lat-long coordinates, or as vague as "planet earth".
I work as an upper secondary school teacher in Helsingborg, Sweden.

Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?
I'm not great at taking part of the photography community online, but hopefully I will make new acquaintances during my week!

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Week 10 - Suzy

What is your name?
Suzy Walker (scuba_suzy)

What sort of photography do you do?
Underwater photography mainly but I’m also studying for a degree course and the assignments don’t always coincide with my underwater trips so those photos vary, I’ve put them on a separate blog though.

How long have you been shooting?
Since 2004 but I’ve only had an SLR since 2008.

What's your favourite piece of gear? (for example, Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, anything you really love to work with)
Can I say my iPhone?! For underwater I’d say my 60mm lens but I’m about to switch gear soon for underwater work which means I’ll be selling all my Nikon & underwater stuff (if anyone is interested).

Where can we find you? Twitter account/s, blogs, galleries, any and all web presence that you feel comfortable sharing.


I’m on most of the other social media that you’d expect, G+, Pintrest, 500px, vimeo, etc etc. There are all sorts of links in the side bar on my blog.

Where do you live and work? You can be as specific as providing your lat-long coordinates, or as vague as "planet earth".
The warm blue ocean (anywhere where the water is 25 degrees c or above), I live in London though.

Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?
I'd love to see David Lloyd (@davidllo), Richard Peters (@RichardpPhoto) or Michael Toye (@realMichaelToye).

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Week 9 - Haje

What is your name?
Haje Jan Kamps

What sort of photography do you do?
I've done a lot of darting from one photography genre to another. These days, I'm mostly busy with more experimental photography, but above all, I'm a generalist. 

How long have you been shooting?
I've been taking photos for as long as I can remember, but my real passion for photography was sparked when I was able to save up for my first digital camera, back in the late 1990's. From there, I've spent as much time writing about photography as taking photos, as witnessed from the ungodly stack of books I've been involved with so far (see

What's your favorite piece of gear? (for example, Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, any thing you really love to work with)
I currently shoot mostly with my Canon EOS 5D mk 3 and a 50mm f/1.4 lens, but I'd hasten to add that I think equipment bores me something profoundly. Good photographers are able to take fantastic pictures with everything from iPhones via instant cameras to high-end Hasselblad equipment, and I think the photography world's obsession with equipment is misguided at best. 

Having said that, I did invent a photography gadget a couple of years ago, and as a result I'm running my own company these days. So, I guess my favourite piece of photography gear is Triggertrap Mobile. Shameless plug: It helps you trigger your camera with your iPhone or Android phone, based on all sorts of cool things (sound, vibration, time lapses, etc); check out the 90 second info video here.

Where can we find you? Twitter account/s, blogs, galleries, any and all web presence that you feel comfortable sharing.
@Photocritic is my main Twitter account. I blog at, and my photos can be found on

Where do you live and work? You can be as specific as providing your lat-long coordinates, or as vague as "planet earth".
I'm a notorious globe-trotter, but these days I call London, UK home. 

Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?
Pass, but I'll let you know if I think of anything!