What is your name?
Harry Guinness.
What sort of photography do you do?
I like to take shots of interesting people. I've worked with a lot of Dublin's street performers. I'm also doing a personal series of portraits of Dublin's homeless. I've also got another personal project working with bodybuilders while they work out. Having said that, I generally try to have my camera with me wherever I am so I shoot landscapes when the opportunity presents itself.
How long have you been shooting?
About two years.
What's your favorite piece of gear? (for example, Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, anything you really love to work with)
I love my Canon 40mm lens. It's so small that it adds no noticeable weight to my camera and it's so versatile. Especially for the street stuff, I can get in really tight for portraits or go wide for more environmental shots and it just nails it.
I'd also be remiss if I didn't mention my love for Peak Design and Triggertrap. The leash and cuff are the best straps imaginable. I generally just use the cuff and have my camera in hand when I'm walking about the city. Triggertrap's mobile dongle is a hell of a lot of fun.
Where can we find you? Twitter account/s, blogs, galleries, any and all web presence that you feel comfortable sharing.
Where do you live and work? You can be as specific as providing your lat-long coordinates, or as vague as "planet earth".
Dublin, Ireland.
Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?
@mtwpiet and also @lightroomblog
I wouldn't complain if you got @chasejarvis either.
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