Thursday, 21 February 2013

Week 7 - Dawn Musick

What is your name?
My name Dawn Musick.

What sort of photography do you do?
I shoot pictures of what ever catches my eye!

How long have you been shooting?
I've been taking pictures off and on 20 years.

What's your favorite piece of gear? (for example, Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, any thing you really love to work with)
I love my zoom Lens.

Where can we find you? Twitter account/s, blogs, galleries, any and all web presence that you feel comfortable sharing.
Twitter - @dawnygirl4
Flickr - Dawn Musick
Facebook - Dawn Musick

Where do you live and work? You can be as specific as providing your lat-long coordinates, or as vague as "planet earth".
I live in ELK CITY in far far western Oklahoma, and work in the oilfield industry.

Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?

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