Thursday, 4 April 2013

Week 3 - Stuart Anderson

What is your name?
Stuart Anderson

What sort of photography do you do?
I try to do a lot of different styles of photography. I'm an amateur. I shoot on holidays and on photography trips. I don't do weddings or studio work. I have a lot of photos of my children. I probably have as many photos of my motorbike in various places around Australia, but I am told that these are only interesting to me.

How long have you been shooting?
I seem to have some very old prints from a school trip when I was 11, but I would say I first thought about taking 'good photos' in about 1992, aged 15, when I went to Nepal. I started to think of photography as my hobby in about 2003-2004 and have really got interested in the ins and outs of the craft for about 4 years.

What's your favorite piece of gear? (for example, Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, any thing you really love to work with)
Well I do love my Canon 5DMkII. I got it when the prices dropped just before the MkIII came out about a year ago. I'm still getting my head around all the functions of it, but it allows for so much flexibility in challenging situations. I almost always leave the f/4 24-105L lens on it, although I use a 50mm f/1.8 Mk2 at times. I've got a Vanguard Alta-Pro tripod which is really useful because of the 'tilty thing' the centre arm does that lets you get the camera almost on the ground. I cart my gear around in a Lowepro Compurover AW which just fits the carry-on luggage dimensions if you smile nicely to the hostess, but for short outings I use a Crumpler Five Million Dollar Home. I've just bought a Hoya NDx400 filter which I'm looking forward to playing with.

Where can we find you? Twitter account/s, blogs, galleries, any and all web presence that you feel comfortable sharing.
I try and post my favourite shots on Flickr  - and many of the photos I'll post this week are hosted there.
I've put a few selected shots up at 500px. If anyone is interested in purchasing any of the photos I put up this week, I'll be happy to add them there for sale.
Along with being a photographer, I'm also a musician (well, drummer!) and my current project is a songwriting collaboration called Songs 202. You can have a listen here:  (and buy on iTunes!) 
I've recently done the drums for a musical about life as a GP (doctor) which will be performed in the Melbourne International Comedy Festival this year. A clip is here:
And I usually tweet at @grover_jones. If you follow me there, you're more likely to get politics and music tweets than photography!

[Edit] New website - StuartAnderson

Where do you live and work? You can be as specific as providing your lat-long coordinates, or as vague as "planet earth".
I'm a GP in Central Gippsland, in the South-East of Victoria, in the South-East of Australia.
(Editor's note: In Australia, a GP is a General Practitioner, a type of medical doctor.)

Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?
Strangely, until the last month I've never thought of Twitter as a place to follow photography: I guess Jim's changed that, so I'm hoping to find some folk to follow from this account!
(Editor's note: I am amaze! If anyone else is in the same situation and wants photographers to follow, you can look at anyone who is following/followed by @WeRPhotography; most are at least interested in photography but not all identify themselves as photographers. Alternatively, my own Twitter list of PhotoDudes is now up to 476!)

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