What is your name?
Chris Luckhardt
What sort of photography do you do?
astro, decay, portrait, event, travel
How long have you been shooting?
10 years
What's your favorite piece of gear? (for example, Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, any thing you really love to work with)
A fast lens with high quality glass.
Where can we find you? Twitter account/s, blogs, galleries, any and all web presence that you feel comfortable sharing.
You can read about me in the links below.
ABC News:
Detailed interview:
Four features on TotallyCoolPix:
Where do you live and work? You can be as specific as providing your lat-long coordinates, or as vague as "planet earth".
Toronto, Canada
Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Week 15 - Barbara
What is your name?
Barbara Zimmerman.
What sort of photography do you do?
Happy amateur - shooting landscapes, architecture, people, animals.
How long have you been shooting?
Since I was a kid so that's five decades.
What's your favorite piece of gear? (for example, Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, any thing you really love to work with)
Right now it's three digital cameras: two Canon PowerShots, an SD 630 & A700 and a Kodak EasyShare C310.
Where can we find you?
@BarbieTweetings on Twitter or on 500 px. and web site is: www.photos-charity.org
Where do you live and work?
I live in Tasmania, Australia.
Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?
How about @WayneBeauregard or @clarerawlinson.
Saturday, 13 April 2013
Week 13 (and a bit) - Jim
What is your name?
Jim Campbell.
What sort of photography do you do?
A bit of everything! I shoot a lot of cricket, and I love going for a walk around the riverbanks in my local area.
How long have you been shooting?
Since the early 1970s. I started with a Minolta SRT-101 and moved quite quickly to a Nikon FtN. I don't miss the "film and darkroom" days at all. That stuff was smelly, messy and unforgiving!
What's your favorite piece of gear? (for example, Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, anything you really love to work with)
- My Nikon D90 body (which ALWAYS has its MB-D80 battery pack on it. It has to really, I've long since lost the original battery compartment cover!)
- For cricket, my Tamron 200-500mm lens. It's only f/5.6 max, but hey, cricket is a sunny day sport!
- My Tamron 90mm macro lens. Great for creepy crawlies and for portraits. What? No, I didn't mean anything by that. Not at all.
- My Pocketwizard radio triggers and my Triggertrap remote trigger. I just wish I could make the damned things work together!
- Since I've already shown my age with the Minolta SRT-101, I wear and love my Scottrvest sleeveless shooting jacket. Yeah, I know, but it's better than the old green fishing vest that I wore for years and years!
Where can we find you? Twitter account/s, blogs, galleries, any and all web presence that you feel comfortable sharing.
- On Twitter - @JustJimWillDo Not more than 18, ok maybe 20 hours a day. It really is an addiction!
- I sometimes blog some stuff on In My Image. I've just noticed though, that it's been nearly six months since I've posted anything there. For shame!
Where do you live and work? You can be as specific as providing your lat-long coordinates, or as vague as "planet earth".
I live in Bacchus Marsh, which is in country Victoria, Australia. Known as the "market garden" of Victoria, it is now a cross between a farming community and a commuter suburb. I love it here.
Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?
- As you all know, I really want @TheRealNimoy to take over, even if it was only for a few days.
- Otherwise I'd just love lots of keen, dedicated photographers both 'Pro' and 'Am' to come along and share their work and have a great time for a week.
Friday, 12 April 2013
Discussion - A Flickr Group?
A question raised by Allan (@allan_saw) during his week as guest tweeter was, "Should we have a Flickr group for @WeRPhotography?"
So what do you think? Yea or Nay?
Here are some discussion points. If you have feedback during this transition weekend (12/13/14/15 April, depending on where you are), then leave a comment here or just tweet to @WeRPhotography. If you come across this post later, you can leave a comment or send an email.
There are many "groups" on Flickr. Some have purely grown from Flickr users themselves and their specialist interest areas. eg Macros, Strobist lighting, particular cameras, nature, wildlife, nudes, b&w, etc and very much etc.
Some Flickr groups grow out of external influences. Recent guest tweeter Haje Jan Kamps has one for his online photography school and one for his Triggertrap devices. Inaugural tweeter, Daniella Bowker has one for Small Aperture. Other guests may have started their own for various reasons and I would not be surprised if many of you are members of at least one Flickr group.
So what do you think? Yea or Nay?
Here are some discussion points. If you have feedback during this transition weekend (12/13/14/15 April, depending on where you are), then leave a comment here or just tweet to @WeRPhotography. If you come across this post later, you can leave a comment or send an email.
There are many "groups" on Flickr. Some have purely grown from Flickr users themselves and their specialist interest areas. eg Macros, Strobist lighting, particular cameras, nature, wildlife, nudes, b&w, etc and very much etc.
Some Flickr groups grow out of external influences. Recent guest tweeter Haje Jan Kamps has one for his online photography school and one for his Triggertrap devices. Inaugural tweeter, Daniella Bowker has one for Small Aperture. Other guests may have started their own for various reasons and I would not be surprised if many of you are members of at least one Flickr group.
- Who would be a member?
- Just Admins?
- Admins and guest tweeters?
- All followers?
- Who would run it?
- What would we do with it?
- Show off our images? Can we not already do that with our own, individual, Flickr accounts. Or 500px or 1px or personal websites? Yes, of course we can, but is gathering them in one place of added value?
- Ask for, and hopefully receive, individual image critiques? Sure, we can ask, but who is going to do the critiques. I love to critique images for people who genuinely want to receive such feedback. I think I'm pretty good at it, as well.
The trouble is that most people just want to receive a "Great pic, dude" or similar, and in today's age of digital imagery and ubiquitous camera phones, most images deserve no more.
Some deserve much less. Not our guest tweeter's images, of course, but you know what I mean.
Who else would provide thoughtful, artistic critiques? We have had some wonderful photographers on @WeRPhotography (and there are more to come*, I assure you). Some of them are full-time professional photographers, some of them are not and therefore have other full-time jobs. Do we feel comfortable about asking any of them to provide a lot of critiques? I went through a 365 project with a college student once and I was spending much more time looking at, analysing, and discussing his images than he was spending to capture and process them! - Hold competitions. That is an interesting thought. Different "themes", "subjects", "techniques"? Who will decide on the topics, who will adjudicate? Who will arbitrate the contested contests?
- Why are we just talking about Flickr? Are there other options?
- Anything else? Let me know.
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Week 14 - Michael
What is your name?
Michael Toye
What sort of photography do you do?
Black and white street photography with a smile and a nod to architecture
How long have you been shooting?
Since 2004.
What's your favorite piece of gear? (for example, Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, any thing you really love to work with)
I have recently moved to Leica Monochrom. I'm not precisely sure if I could go back to an alternate system now. It's honed to play a single role in its life and, for street photography, it excels. My fingerless gloves too! You might laugh, but they're essential kit for literally being outside for 8 hours.
Where can we find you? Twitter account/s, blogs, galleries, any and all web presence that you feel comfortable sharing.
On Twitter, I'm @RealMichaelToye
My blog is The Stormtroopers Are Coming!
I do have galleries on 1x and 500px, but you'll catch my most recent images on Flickr
Where do you live and work? You can be as specific as providing your lat-long coordinates, or as vague as "planet earth".
I live just outside of London, and am not working at the moment. I am seizing the opportunity to get out there and shoot and to help others with their photography; I'm running photography walking tours around the real sights and scenes in London.
Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?
I've recently stumbled across the work of Ian Brumpton, @IanBrumpton. I think he'd be an interesting follow.
Discussion - Avatars
No, not the beautiful blue people in the movie!

Well, maybe it is about the Na'vi, and that's what I want to discuss here.
(If you have feedback during this transition weekend (12/13/14/15 April, depending on where you are), then leave a comment here or just tweet to @WeRPhotography. If you come across this post later, you can leave a comment or send an email.)
When you have control of a Twitter account, you can change the avatar that is shown on every tweet you send, as well as the header image on the account's profile page.
Just in case you're confused, here's what my personal profile page looks like. The Cookie Monster insert is my avatar (pretty much internet-wide) and the outer image is the header image.
I don't know about you guys, but I tend to rely quite a bit on the appearance of the avatar images to quickly ascertain whose tweets I'm reading on Twitter.
Originally, and currently for that matter, I've encouraged @WeRPhotography guest tweeters to change both of these images to reflect their own style.
Those of you who have been paying close attention will realise that the above two statements are in conflict.
It may also be that I am not the only person who feels such conflict. Conflict is bad. Let us set out to resolve this.
Choices and discussion points:
ps It has just occurred to me that there is a third image associated with a Twitter account - the profile background. What should we do with that?
Well, maybe it is about the Na'vi, and that's what I want to discuss here.
(If you have feedback during this transition weekend (12/13/14/15 April, depending on where you are), then leave a comment here or just tweet to @WeRPhotography. If you come across this post later, you can leave a comment or send an email.)
When you have control of a Twitter account, you can change the avatar that is shown on every tweet you send, as well as the header image on the account's profile page.
Just in case you're confused, here's what my personal profile page looks like. The Cookie Monster insert is my avatar (pretty much internet-wide) and the outer image is the header image.
I don't know about you guys, but I tend to rely quite a bit on the appearance of the avatar images to quickly ascertain whose tweets I'm reading on Twitter.
Originally, and currently for that matter, I've encouraged @WeRPhotography guest tweeters to change both of these images to reflect their own style.
Those of you who have been paying close attention will realise that the above two statements are in conflict.
It may also be that I am not the only person who feels such conflict. Conflict is bad. Let us set out to resolve this.
Choices and discussion points:
- Continue to allow each guest tweeter to change both the avatar and the header image to suit themselves.
- Fix the avatar as a recognisably @WeRPhotography icon, but allow the guest to change the header image.
@PeopleOfNZ - Free rein on the header image, and on a layer of the avatar, but with the avatar having a recognisable @WeRPhotography overlay.
- These avatars are quite small, How do we make an overlay noticeable enough without losing the underlying image?
- We are photographers! How do we allow enough freedom for guest tweeters to use their own images and still use the overlay.
- We could make several variations of the overlay available. Perhaps using different corners of the image?
- We could make clever use of transparency in the overlay(s).
- How do we make the overlay easily available and easily useable?
- Google Drive?
- Windows Live?
- Dropbox?
- My personal Flickrstream?
- Twibbon?
ps It has just occurred to me that there is a third image associated with a Twitter account - the profile background. What should we do with that?
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Week 3 - Stuart Anderson
What is your name?
Stuart Anderson
What sort of photography do you do?
I try to do a lot of different styles of photography. I'm an amateur. I shoot on holidays and on photography trips. I don't do weddings or studio work. I have a lot of photos of my children. I probably have as many photos of my motorbike in various places around Australia, but I am told that these are only interesting to me.
How long have you been shooting?
I seem to have some very old prints from a school trip when I was 11, but I would say I first thought about taking 'good photos' in about 1992, aged 15, when I went to Nepal. I started to think of photography as my hobby in about 2003-2004 and have really got interested in the ins and outs of the craft for about 4 years.
What's your favorite piece of gear? (for example, Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, any thing you really love to work with)
Well I do love my Canon 5DMkII. I got it when the prices dropped just before the MkIII came out about a year ago. I'm still getting my head around all the functions of it, but it allows for so much flexibility in challenging situations. I almost always leave the f/4 24-105L lens on it, although I use a 50mm f/1.8 Mk2 at times. I've got a Vanguard Alta-Pro tripod which is really useful because of the 'tilty thing' the centre arm does that lets you get the camera almost on the ground. I cart my gear around in a Lowepro Compurover AW which just fits the carry-on luggage dimensions if you smile nicely to the hostess, but for short outings I use a Crumpler Five Million Dollar Home. I've just bought a Hoya NDx400 filter which I'm looking forward to playing with.
Where can we find you? Twitter account/s, blogs, galleries, any and all web presence that you feel comfortable sharing.
I try and post my favourite shots on Flickr - and many of the photos I'll post this week are hosted there.
I've put a few selected shots up at 500px. If anyone is interested in purchasing any of the photos I put up this week, I'll be happy to add them there for sale.
Along with being a photographer, I'm also a musician (well, drummer!) and my current project is a songwriting collaboration called Songs 202. You can have a listen here: (and buy on iTunes!)
I've recently done the drums for a musical about life as a GP (doctor) which will be performed in the Melbourne International Comedy Festival this year. A clip is here:
And I usually tweet at @grover_jones. If you follow me there, you're more likely to get politics and music tweets than photography!
[Edit] New website - StuartAnderson
Where do you live and work? You can be as specific as providing your lat-long coordinates, or as vague as "planet earth".
I'm a GP in Central Gippsland, in the South-East of Victoria, in the South-East of Australia.
(Editor's note: In Australia, a GP is a General Practitioner, a type of medical doctor.)
Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?
Strangely, until the last month I've never thought of Twitter as a place to follow photography: I guess Jim's changed that, so I'm hoping to find some folk to follow from this account!
(Editor's note: I am amaze! If anyone else is in the same situation and wants photographers to follow, you can look at anyone who is following/followed by @WeRPhotography; most are at least interested in photography but not all identify themselves as photographers. Alternatively, my own Twitter list of PhotoDudes is now up to 476!)
Stuart Anderson
What sort of photography do you do?
I try to do a lot of different styles of photography. I'm an amateur. I shoot on holidays and on photography trips. I don't do weddings or studio work. I have a lot of photos of my children. I probably have as many photos of my motorbike in various places around Australia, but I am told that these are only interesting to me.
How long have you been shooting?
I seem to have some very old prints from a school trip when I was 11, but I would say I first thought about taking 'good photos' in about 1992, aged 15, when I went to Nepal. I started to think of photography as my hobby in about 2003-2004 and have really got interested in the ins and outs of the craft for about 4 years.
What's your favorite piece of gear? (for example, Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, any thing you really love to work with)
Well I do love my Canon 5DMkII. I got it when the prices dropped just before the MkIII came out about a year ago. I'm still getting my head around all the functions of it, but it allows for so much flexibility in challenging situations. I almost always leave the f/4 24-105L lens on it, although I use a 50mm f/1.8 Mk2 at times. I've got a Vanguard Alta-Pro tripod which is really useful because of the 'tilty thing' the centre arm does that lets you get the camera almost on the ground. I cart my gear around in a Lowepro Compurover AW which just fits the carry-on luggage dimensions if you smile nicely to the hostess, but for short outings I use a Crumpler Five Million Dollar Home. I've just bought a Hoya NDx400 filter which I'm looking forward to playing with.
Where can we find you? Twitter account/s, blogs, galleries, any and all web presence that you feel comfortable sharing.
I try and post my favourite shots on Flickr - and many of the photos I'll post this week are hosted there.
I've put a few selected shots up at 500px. If anyone is interested in purchasing any of the photos I put up this week, I'll be happy to add them there for sale.
Along with being a photographer, I'm also a musician (well, drummer!) and my current project is a songwriting collaboration called Songs 202. You can have a listen here: (and buy on iTunes!)
I've recently done the drums for a musical about life as a GP (doctor) which will be performed in the Melbourne International Comedy Festival this year. A clip is here:
And I usually tweet at @grover_jones. If you follow me there, you're more likely to get politics and music tweets than photography!
[Edit] New website - StuartAnderson
Where do you live and work? You can be as specific as providing your lat-long coordinates, or as vague as "planet earth".
I'm a GP in Central Gippsland, in the South-East of Victoria, in the South-East of Australia.
(Editor's note: In Australia, a GP is a General Practitioner, a type of medical doctor.)
Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?
Strangely, until the last month I've never thought of Twitter as a place to follow photography: I guess Jim's changed that, so I'm hoping to find some folk to follow from this account!
(Editor's note: I am amaze! If anyone else is in the same situation and wants photographers to follow, you can look at anyone who is following/followed by @WeRPhotography; most are at least interested in photography but not all identify themselves as photographers. Alternatively, my own Twitter list of PhotoDudes is now up to 476!)
Week 13 - Allan
What is your name?
Allan Saw
What sort of photography do you do?
I still haven't made up my mind. I've got too much to learn to be concentrating on one genre. Health issues effect my mobility so I'm doing a lot of tabletop type photography at the moment. That's not necessarily where I want to end up.
How long have you been shooting?
I got my first camera for Christmas of 2008, so just over 4 years.
What's your favorite piece of gear? (for example, Lens, Bag, Camera, Tripod, any thing you really love to work with)
I love my Tamaron 70-200mm 2.8. My Sony 50mm 1.4 comes a very close 2nd. Of course my camera, a Sony a65, is pretty special.
Where can we find you? Twitter account/s, blogs, galleries, any and all web presence that you feel comfortable sharing.
Twitter: @allan_saw
Flickr : http://www.flickr.com/photos/allan_saw/
Web site: www.ozemalls.com
Where do you live and work? You can be as specific as providing your lat-long coordinates, or as vague as "planet earth".
I live in the outer western suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Due to health issues (I suffer from Multiple Sclerosis) I had to take an early retirement about 3 years ago. Being retired is not all that bad :)
Is there a Twitter account you would really like to see take over @WeRPhotography for a week?
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